Browse Items (118 total)

Shoved from the Captain's Boat.PNG
Woman from Larchmont wreck rescued after 10 hours adrift. The article also reports on the number of known survivors, identified bodies, unidentified bodies, and missing.


DH Cunningham Groc.PNG
Advertisement for Daniel J. Cunningham's Family Grocery on the corner of Tarragona and Romana Streets.

Marriage certificate for William Garey and Octavia Goodlow.


Image of marriage certificate for Richard Merrill (here, "Merritt") and Octavia Goodloe (here, "Goodlow").


Screen Shot 2019-03-06 at 3.55.49 PM.png
Photograph of Booker T. Washington and Emmett J. Scott from the tenth annual edition of the Florida Sentinel.

A bar graph depicting the ratio of vessels, passengers, crew members, and lives lost across the United States of America from 1880-1910. Data from the United States Census Bureau's 1901 summary of the General Superintendent of Life-Saving Service's…


DH Chart occupations.PNG
At the turn of the century, African Americans made up approximately 43% of Pensacola's workforce. This chart shows the distribution of jobs across the city's black workers. Professionals and merchants made up 4.65%, servicers and skilled laborers…

Steamer Larchmont Lost in Horror Collision.PNG
An Albuquerque, New Mexico newspaper reports on the Larchmont collision off of Rhode Island.


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