Browse Items (118 total)

This is a newspaper article describing Ezra Gerry's funeral announcement in Rhode Island, and the minister defending Captain McVey.


An article discussing the controversy surrounding Captain McVey of the Larchmont evacuated the ship before the passengers


washes ashore.jpg
This is a newspaper article describing more frozen bodies washing ashore. It also describes pieces of the Larchmont washing up 70 miles away from the wreck site.


larchmont tomb2.jpg
This is a newspaper article on the decision the Larchmont will not be blown up, and the depth being to deep to retrieve any of the bodies, making the Larchmont a tomb.


The 1870 census reports that George (here, "Geo"), Georgiana, Alice (presumably Octavia), and Frank lived in the same household during this time. The census reveals that Ezra's grandfather worked as a seaman.


This record lists Lewis Payne as head of household married to Georgiana Payne (formerly Goodloe) living with both of Georgiana's adult children, Octavia and Frank, from her previous marriage. Georgiana and her children's race is annotated as "Mu" or…


Mower County Transcript  Feb 20, 1907.PNG
An article discussing the controversy surrounding Captain McVey being one of the first to leave the Larchmont after the wreck.


Daily morning journal february 14, 1907.PNG
Article about Captain McVey's defense regarding why his rescue boat was first to leave the Larchmont as she sank.


Topeka State Journal February 12, 1907.PNG
Article reporting on captain of the schooner Harry Knowleton, Frank T. Haley's account of the collision between the schooner and the Larchmont. He claimed that the Larchmont headed into the schooner's direction despite shouts of warnings from the…


Billings Gazette february 15, 1907.PNG
This article reports on President Dunbaugh's statement that the Harry Knowlton was responsible for the wreck and not the Larchmont. Frank Dunbaugh was president of the Joy Line


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