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Larchmont wreck drawing.jpg
This is a drawing of what it possibly looked like when the Larchmont and Harry Knowlton collided.


Pensacola Port Postcard.JPG
Postcard made by Raphael Tuck & Sons, a Pensacola company, and a view of the Pensacola Harbor down Palafox Street.


Black and white photo of the Larchmont on a postcard sent to a woman named Lydia from another woman named Mable.


Screen Shot 2019-03-06 at 3.55.49 PM.png
Photograph of Booker T. Washington and Emmett J. Scott from the tenth annual edition of the Florida Sentinel.

The certificate on Ezra Gerry's death that has some information such as his parents names, who identified him (John Ford), and where he would be buried.


1905 Pensacola city directory.

1909 Pensacola city directory

Racial Demographic Pie Chart of Home Ownership and Rentership at West Zarragossa and West Wright Streets, 1900 and 1903.png
This pie chart shows the overall racial demographic of the homeowners and renters at two of Ezra Gerry's neighborhood blocks between 1900 and 1903. This data is adjusted to exclude the N/A (no answer) results from the 1900 and 1903 Pensacola City…


Demographic chart2.PNG
This table shows the racial demogarphic data for Ezra Gerry's neighborhood blocks at West Zaragossa and West Wright Streets. The "Overall Results" section represents the aggregate data from the 1900 and 1903 Pensacola City Directories and the 1903…


The diagram of a shotgun style house shows the simple floor plan.


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