This table shows the racial demogarphic data for Ezra Gerry's neighborhood blocks at West Zaragossa and West Wright Streets. The "Overall Results" section represents the aggregate data from the 1900 and 1903 Pensacola City Directories and the 1903…
This pie chart shows the overall racial demographic of the homeowners and renters at two of Ezra Gerry's neighborhood blocks between 1900 and 1903. This data is adjusted to exclude the N/A (no answer) results from the 1900 and 1903 Pensacola City…
This segment of the 1907 Sanborn insurance map shows the neighborhood block for the demographic survey portion of the "Houses and Homes" exhibit. The properties in this survey include the block bounded by the Streets West Wright, North DeVilliers,…
This segment of the 1903 Sanborn insurance map shows the neighborhood block for the demographic survey portion of the "Houses and Homes" exhibit. The properties in this survey include the block bounded by the Streets West Zarragossa, South Barcelona,…
At the turn of the century, African Americans made up approximately 43% of Pensacola's workforce. This chart shows the distribution of jobs across the city's black workers. Professionals and merchants made up 4.65%, servicers and skilled laborers…