
From J. Earle Bowden Collection
Drawing From An Editors Life
Drawing From An Editors Life

In 1996 Earle Bowden published a 400+ page book called "Drawing From An Editor's Life" and it contains "more than forty years of editorial cartoons, caricatures, and illustrations..." He has allowed us to digitize it and make it available for download from this website.

Note: The files presented below are in the PDF format. It's likely that your system already has the software to view them but if the links don't work visit and install the free Adobe Reader software. Also, for the best experience we suggest you download these files in their entirety before viewing them. You can do this by right clicking on the links below and selecting the option "Save link as..."

Full Book Download

The actual book itself contains 477 pages and is a large file (150 megabytes). If you have a fast internet connection you can download the entire book at once using the single link below.

Download By Section

For those of you with slower connections, we've split the book into 6 parts (by decade - as Bowden has done in the physical book). You can download them all or download only the sections you're most interested in.