Did you change your spring break plans because of the virus? From what to what?
Work as usual, except for that awesome Friday off. Thanks to Dr. Saunders!
How has the virus (and the precautions taken to prevent it spreading) impacted your daily life?
First, it has opened my eyes to how many times a day I touch my face. That has stopped! Second, it has taken me away from what I like to call my office family, I miss them all very much. Third, it has made me weary of the way we handle everything coming into our home. Everything has to be so carefully handled. All groceries are placed on a designated counter, removed from the bags wiped with a disinfectant cloth then placed on the designated disinfectant counter. Fresh fruit and vegetables are literally washed with soap & water for the required 20 seconds. As soon as everything is unloaded my husband immediately changes clothes and puts the grocery shopping clothes in the washer. My husband and I have always enjoyed shopping together but since early March he has done all of the shopping without me. Because I’m immunocompromised and over 60 it’s safer for me to stay home. I am really missing all of the spring festivals we attend every year!
How worried are you about getting the virus?
I’m not terribly concerned about me and my husband because I know we are being very careful. Although, no matter the precautions we are taking it’s always possible we could come in contact with the virus. However, my children and grandchildren are on my mind everyday!
Do you know anyone who has gotten COVID-19?
Are you staying in? What are you doing to pass the time?
Yes, I haven’t gone anywhere but in a couple of Sunday afternoon car rides. We have been doing some gardening, lots of outdoor work and just enjoying our animals. And I’ll admit I’ve, along with a large portion of society, have binged watched the Tiger King and Carole’s husband was definitely a tiger snack!
Are you going out? Where do you go and what is it like?
What is giving you hope and/or strength right now?
My sweet loving husband!
Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about what you’re feeling or experiencing right now?
I’ve been feeling a bit melancholy and nostalgic!