How has the virus (and the precautions taken to prevent it spreading) impacted your daily life?

I now telework from my dining room table instead of driving 30-45 minutes to work every day. I also am now missing the little things like walking around a bookstore or attending a show at the local theater.

How worried are you about getting the virus?

I am not worried about my household. My husband and I are both young and healthy with no pre-existing conditions. However, I do worry for my older family members who are either still working or not taking the precautions as seriously as they should.

Do you know anyone who has gotten COVID-19?


Are you staying in? What are you doing to pass the time?

I stay home as much as possible. I do take walks around the neighborhood at least once per day (one walk is 2 miles) while being mindful about social distancing. I am also reading, putting together jigsaw puzzles, and keeping a tidy house. My cat is also helpful with distractions!

Are you going out? Where do you go and what is it like?

I do take daily walks around my neighborhood. Other than that, I only leave the house to go to the grocery store or to drive to work when necessary. It is so weird to see so many people at home. Almost every lawn and garden looks pristine, and when I do drive somewhere, the roads are not nearly as crowded.

What is giving you hope and/or strength right now?

I love that the younger generations are taking this seriously. I just wish the older people would as well.