Escambia County Coastal Heritage Survey

This site is a permanent work in progress. Please help our inventory grow by sharing a site, telling a story, or leaving a comment on our Join the Conversation page. 

The communities of Northwest Florida have always been physically, economically, and culturally linked to the ocean and freshwater systems that pour into Pensacola Bay. These communities have indelibly shaped our modern landscape. Exposed to storms and the challenges of sea level rise, Escambia County’s natural and cultural heritage resources are increasingly at risk.

The University of West Florida’s Spring 2017 Preservation Seminar developed a pilot for a coastal heritage survey and outreach program.  The project goal was to begin inventorying meaningful sites and events that have impacted the region, and to develop a tool  for the community to asses, use, and contribute to the amassed data.  We have already inventoried almost 700 heritage sites in Escambia County and projected them onto interactive maps and timelines. Using our inventory visualizer, users are able to explore our data as well as ask and answer questions about Escambia County’s rich coastal heritage. Our interactive features allow viewers to conduct their own research based on their particular needs and interests.  Click here to learn more about our work!

This project could not have been achieved without the generous support of UWF’s Pace Library, and we would like to extend a special thank you to Melissa Gonzales and Frederic Barry.

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For instructions on how to use the Interactive Map, click here



Header photo kindly contributed by:
Micah Minnocci, Department of Anthropology, University of West Florida, April 2017